When every bid is a battlefield, small- to medium-sized construction companies often find themselves grappling with numerous challenges, one of which is construction estimating. Could outsourcing be the strategic move you’ve been missing? Let’s explore how outsourcing construction estimating can be a game-changer for your construction business.

Let's dive in!

  1. Understanding the Complex World of Construction Estimating
  2. Do You Really Need to Outsource Construction Estimating?
  3. How to Select an Outsourcing Partner for Construction Estimating?
  4. Something to Remember

Unveiling the Complex World of Construction Estimating

Before diving into the benefits of outsourcing, it’s crucial to first understand the complexities involved in construction estimating:

  • Resource Constraints: Small and medium-sized businesses often have limited resources, making it challenging to dedicate specialized teams for estimating.
  • Competitive Pressures: The need to submit accurate and competitive bids puts enormous pressure on your internal teams, potentially affecting their performance in other essential tasks.
  • Technology Requirements: Estimating isn’t just about crunching numbers; it involves using specialized software that comes with its own set of costs and learning curves.
  • Compliance and Standards: Keeping abreast of building codes, regulations, and market rates is essential but challenging without a dedicated team.

Why Outsourcing Construction Estimating is a Game-Changer

Outsourcing can offer significant advantages.

Access to Expertise

No need to maintain an in-house team; you gain access to experienced professionals handling your estimates. Construction estimating requires a comprehensive understanding of construction practices, materials, labor costs, and current market rates. By partnering with a Quantity Surveying firm, you can leverage the expertise and experience of industry veterans who possess a keen eye for detail and an in-depth understanding of both local and national construction markets.


Save on hiring, training, and software costs. Outsourcing provides quality service without the overhead. Operating an in-house estimating department can be expensive, particularly for small and medium-sized contractors with limited resources. Outsourcing construction estimating eliminates these financial burdens, offering a cost-effective alternative. You can enjoy the benefits of a professional estimating team without the overhead expenses associated with maintaining an in-house department.

Focus on Core Tasks

Free up your internal teams to focus on construction management, client engagement, and other core activities. By outsourcing construction estimating, you allow your teams to concentrate on what they do best: managing construction projects and delivering high-quality results to clients. Rather than diverting time and energy into estimating tasks, which can be time-consuming and complex, you can delegate these responsibilities to experts, improving project management and outcomes.


With outsourcing, you can easily scale your estimating needs according to your project pipeline, providing a flexible approach. The construction industry is unpredictable, with project volumes varying from season to season. Outsourcing construction estimating offers the flexibility to scale based on workload. During busy times, the outsourcing firm can quickly ramp up efforts; during slower periods, you can scale back without incurring the costs of a full-time team.

Quick Turnaround

Time-sensitive bids require rapid yet accurate estimates, a specialty of outsourcing firms. Meeting tight deadlines for bid submissions is crucial to staying competitive. Outsourcing construction estimating firms are well-versed in handling time-sensitive projects and can deliver accurate estimates promptly, allowing you to submit your bids early and demonstrate professionalism to potential clients.

Certifications and Risk Management in Outsourcing

It's vital to choose an outsourcing partner with credible certifications.

Professional Quantity Surveyor (PQS)

These experts have undergone rigorous training and can manage all aspects of construction estimating. Construction estimators who are certified as Professional Quantity Surveyors (PQS) by the CIQS have not only received extensive training but have also demonstrated proficiency in all aspects of quantity surveying. This includes cost estimation, cost planning, and contract administration. Such certification ensures that the outsourcing firm employs professionals who are deeply knowledgeable about Canadian construction practices and committed to the highest standards of accuracy and professionalism.

Gold Seal Certificate (GSC)

This certification is nationally recognized and offered by the Canadian Construction Association (CCA). It signifies that an estimator has met stringent criteria in terms of education, experience, and ethical conduct. By choosing an outsourcing firm staffed by GSC-certified estimators, you can be assured of the quality of your estimates and ethical conduct throughout the estimation process.

Errors & Omissions Insurance

In addition to holding reputable certifications, Quantity Surveying (QS) companies that offer outsourcing estimating services usually also maintain Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance. This specific type of insurance is designed to protect professionals, including estimators and quantity surveyors, against unintended errors, omissions, or negligence that might occur during the estimation process. Construction projects involve a multitude of complex variables, and despite best efforts, mistakes can occur. E&O insurance helps QS companies mitigate the financial risks associated with such errors, ensuring that any unforeseen costs or liabilities are appropriately covered.


Choosing a partner involves more than just checking certifications:

  • Review Past Work: Experience matters. Make sure to review their portfolio.
  • Ask for References: A reputable company should easily provide references from satisfied clients.
  • Discuss Your Needs: Every construction company is unique; make sure your potential partner understands your specific needs and constraints.

Final Thoughts

Outsourcing construction estimating isn't just a trend; it's an effective strategy for small and medium-sized construction companies aiming to grow in a fiercely competitive market. By choosing the right outsourcing partner, you're not just receiving accurate and efficient estimates; you're also gaining a strategic ally that can help steer your business toward success.